by Gergely Zimanyi | Aug 30, 1990 | Papers
1990. Nori, F., G.T. Zimanyi, and E. Abrahams. Generalized Flux Phase of the t-J Model. Physics Review B41:7277.
by Gergely Zimanyi | Aug 30, 1990 | Papers
1990. Bobbert, P, R. Fazio, G. Schon, and G.T. Zimanyi. Phase Transitions in Dissipative Josephson Chains. Physics Review B41:4009-4016.
by Gergely Zimanyi | Aug 30, 1989 | Papers
1989. Lee, D.H. and G.T. Zimanyi. New Superconducting State of the Anderson-Lattice Model. Physics Review B40:9404-9407.
by Gergely Zimanyi | Aug 30, 1988 | Papers
1988. S. Kivelson and G.T. Zimanyi. High Temperature Superconductors, RVB, and Conducting Polymers. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 160: 1, 457
by Gergely Zimanyi | Aug 30, 1988 | Papers
1988. Zimanyi, G.T., and K. Vladár. Symmetry Breaking and Measurement Theory. Foundation of Physics Letters 1:175-185.
by Gergely Zimanyi | Aug 30, 1988 | Papers
1988. Zimanyi, G.T. Models for Granular Superconductivity: The Effect of Quantum Fluctuations. Physica B152:233-235.