TRIDENS and Percolation – news

Apr. 2021 Our paper on “TRIDENS: A Hierarchical Transport Simulator for defected nanoparticles solids” was published in the Nature group Scientific Reports. Our paper “Percolative Charge Transport In Binary Nanocrystal Solids” was published in...

New students

Mar. 2021 New graduate students Zeke Zhao, Andrew Diggs, Adam Goga, and Zack Crawford all decided to join our group. Welcome to the next generation of our group!

NERSC 2021

Jan. 2021 Our group secured a large, 4 million CPU hours allocation at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center NERSC.


Sep. 2020 Group Alum Helmut Katzgraber became Senior Manager of the Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab! Very exciting! Helmut carved out a unique place for himself in the quantum computing revolution!